Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Way Back Wednesday!


I decided to do a series of Wednesday Blogs about my backlist stories. Many were published back in the Wild West Days, before Amazon had KDP! Back then, there were dozens of small erotic romance e-book publishers, so there was the whole submission process followed by a wait time until publication.

I decided not to mention publishers by name. Many authors who published in that time frame, 2003-2010, probably can guess why. Implosions, bankruptcies, theft of royalties, bat-crap crazy publishers, asinine editors, drama, tantrums...Some of the memories are not so stellar. 

I did meet some wonderful fellow authors back then, though! I don't want to write about the publishers and their often ugly deaths. I want to remember the fun parts!

I started out with paranormal romances. In 1999 Hubby and I left a high demand Bible -literalist church for reasons I won't get into. It was dramatic and terrible. We lost many friends. I decided to get a night job, part-time. We had three preschoolers, so daycare cost would be outrageous, even back then. I found a restaurant job that was in my neighborhood and got busy.

When I got home around eleven, I would be too wound up to sleep, so I watched TV. I found fourth season Buffy and became a nerdy fan.

Back in the church daze, Buffy would Not Be Approved. I felt so rebellious! But I also felt like myself, because I grew up reading my older brother's horror comics and watched all the old horror movies we now see on Svengoolie.

In 1999 I got a better job and we got a Gateway Computer! I started writing Buffy fanfic, which was a fun learning experience. While looking for vampire romances, I found the brave new world of online erotic romance publishers. My first two were vampire paranormal romances. I lost track of them, but found copies on an old zip drive a couple of years ago.

Of course, it's a sexy ritual. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084VCC7GC

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