Saturday, June 11, 2016

Weekend Writing Warriors June 12 Bridal Faire

Read more snippets here!

Adler had always assumed he would marry into one of the Lesser Giant families along the northern border of his father’s land.
“Bridal Faire! Why do I have to go to that now? Why doesn’t he wait until I am done with my training?” Spring was a busy time for potions and herbal knowledge, his worst subject.

He frowned. “And what happened to that Lesser Giant girl, Buflindia? I thought that was all but settled. My mother was sending over a marriage contract to discuss.”

“Not to speak ill of your Lord Father and our benefactor, but decisions like this cause one to wonder if he is perhaps sun touched,” Mistress Shoji said tartly, handing him back the letter.


  1. I wonder why the change in situation. Nice snippet!

  2. "...if he is sun touched," I like that! :-) Good snippet!

  3. Hello, Melisse.
    Loved the tone of your dialogue.i am looking forward to reading much more.

  4. Hello, Melisse.
    Loved the tone of your dialogue.i am looking forward to reading much more.

  5. He sounds real excited about the prospect of marriage! Nice tease, Melisse. Can't wait to read more.

  6. Sounds like not everyone thinks too highly of his father and his decisions. Can't wait to see where this goes!

  7. Unique setting for an interesting tale! Enjoyed the excerpt very much.

  8. Interesting. Marrying a giantess?

  9. Giantess brides. Interesting. Nice snippet.

  10. He's not allowed to make his own decisions regarding his marriage (fate), I see a conflict coming.


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