Saturday, June 18, 2016

Weekend Writing Warriors: Bridal Faire Snippet 2

Read a variety of interesting snippets! Find snippets *here*.

A second snippet from my WIP, Bridal Faire, a fantasy romance . My hero, Adler, is a griffintaur. Wings and feet of a griffin, the rest human(or wizard, lol).

“Dearest Adler,
I am sure your father’s command has come as quite a surprise to you. I myself am not sure what to think of it. I’m sure a girl from outside our Shire will make a lovely wife, though I had hoped you would marry into that mining family on the Ock Heights.  I know a couple of the girls and you’d do fine with a Lesser Giant wife since you are so large. Buflindia always seemed so jolly.
Well, it is not to be. Try to pick someone who seems intelligent and who is not too outlandish in behavior. Of course, I will welcome whomever you choose.
For goodness sake, buy some decent clothes for your journey, don’t take those stained work clothes all you apprentices wear!
Your Loving Mother,

Lady Marilia Goldhawk.”


  1. That letter certainly does sound like one from a mother. Nice snippet! :)

    1. I think it DOES sound like a mother--especially the last sentence.

  2. I love the signature. Very full of importance. I agree with Jessica, it is a delightfully maternal missive.

  3. I love the signature. Very full of importance. I agree with Jessica, it is a delightfully maternal missive.

  4. Lol, sounds like a mother's letter!

  5. If his mother is a Goldhawk, what is his father? You never know with these hybrids! OK, great minds think alike - I have somthing similar in my WIP.

  6. Very cute and motherly letter!

  7. A very motherly letter indeed. Nice she's so open minded about who he marries LOL. Enjoyed the snippet!

  8. Of course a guy with wings would have a mother named Goldhawk.

  9. Uh oh. Mother had to mention "outlandish". :-) I can hardly wait to see who he picks. :-)

  10. Oh, that is perfect. No pressure there. Mommy dearest signs her letter "Lady"...oh-oh. It sounds like no matter who he chooses they will never measure up...I think I already feel sorry for the bride. Good snippet!


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