Saturday, May 12, 2012

SFFS Snippet: Thunder Mountain

 Good Morning! This week I am back to Scale On Thunder Mountain, a near future SFR with paranormal elements.

“Then we are going to town?” 
Lucia scrambled after her into the cool sunny morning. The air was scented with pine and jays called from the woods, with the occasional rat tat tat of  a wood pecker. A city girl, Tess had never imagined she would like the country so much.
After breakfast clean-up they were going to town with Bleach. The day's plans included  shopping and taking Lucia to a big duck pond at a local park.
They entered the kitchen from the backdoor, which was never locked. Tess got a bowl of cereal for Lucia, then started the small coffee pot. The big urns for the guests were next, followed by biscuits, bacon and sausage for the buffet.
“Where’s Beebop?" Lucia was in love with Milly’s tiny poodle-mix dog, who usually came to great Lucia with enthusiastic licking.

You can read other Scifi and Fantasy Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag  #sffsat.


  1. Definitely get the sense of country living from the description. Good snippet!

  2. Feeding the ducks at a park is always a fun activity with kids,

  3. Why do I get the feeling that this is the calm before a storm?

  4. Trouble is coming to Thunder Mountain.

  5. Not good when the dog isn't in the kitchen... just sayin'...

  6. Something bad's gonna happen. I can just sense it. Nothing stays idyllic for long...uh-ohhh...

    i fear a loss of finger nails!
    Enjoyed your snippet!

  8. Unlocked door and small dog missing? I hope it's not a dog fighting ring looking for bait!

  9. Great descriptions, could see myself there. :)

  10. Way to build a setting--right down to missing affections of the dog!


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...