Saturday, May 12, 2012

6 Sentence Sunday: The Genteel Constructs of Rosewood Manor

This selection is from a steampunk romance WIP, The Genteel Constructs of Rosewood Manor.

A brilliant idea came to Honoria.
“Annie, wait.” 
Annie paused, put the heavy bucket down and rubbed her sore arm where her brass appendage attached to her flesh. 
“Annie, I have come into a fortune and am leaving this establishment. I require a maid. Come with me and I will double your wages.” 

You can read more Six Sentence Sunday Selections Here.


  1. An intriguing six! I wonder if Annie will accept the offer.

  2. I'm intrigued by the title - wondering if there are more maids with brass appendages!

  3. Who can resist an offer like that?

  4. I'd be signing up, sounds like adventure is afoot! Excellent excerpt!

  5. Makes me wonder what Honoria's real purpose is.

  6. Maids with brass appendages. That's awesome!

    Where in Wyoming?

  7. Wendy--I'm in Casper but spent a lot of time in Sheridan and Story as a kid.Have relatives all over there and Montana.

  8. Now that's an offer she can't (shouldn't) refuse! Great six!


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...