Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Update--w/ Pictures!

  It was HOT here in central Wyoming this week. Baxter, my little dog, is recovering well from his broken leg and I'm hobbling along better than I have for quite awhile. I keep having ligament issues,which is common after a tkr. We went for a little walk!

Poor little guy is a shaggy mess. He's a morkie--yorky/maltese cross. Doesn't shed, but his hair will grow down to the ground if we let it. I've been trimming around  his eyes and face since he's been in a kennel for the past four weeks. 

In writing life I entered the Harlequin  Fast Track contest with a non-SFR. I've been reading writing craft books this month, and preparing for a writing blitz later this spring.


I haven't read the first books in this series, so will have to backtrack.

Yes, I paid the high price for this, but I am an Amanda Quick fan.


  1. I hope the both of you feel better...

  2. Oh, I love Amanda Quick. She's one of my favorite authors. The way she worked her Arcane series across all three pen-names in all three categories (historical, contemporary, and futuristic romance) is genius. I've been catching up on her futuristic romances as Jayne Castle lately. Her "dust bunnies" are the greatest.

  3. Thanks Savannah! We are doing better.

    Allie--I love the dust bunnies, too!


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...