Friday, March 16, 2012

#SFFSAT Snippet: Refugees On Urloon

For the next few weeks I'm posting snippets from my upcoming SFR release, Refugees On Urloon. This snippet is from my heroine Svana's POV.

Her heart beat faster as she walked outside toward the beach. I am not going to participate in the fertility festival, she reminded herself. Still, it was the closest thing to a party she had attended for years, the last being a small festivity when her daughter turned sixteen.

Liam would be there. He might participate, with an Urloon woman. Or maybe a crew member. The thought made her throat tighten. Oh just be honest, she scolded herself. You want him to participate with you--you want it to be an Urloon marriage. Like a romance tale.

You can read other Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag  #sffsat. 


  1. Interesting. So when you say 'participate' in this fertility festival... :)

  2. I love the way this snippet communicates that tense nervous feeling when a person first realizes they are attracted to someone. I got a few butterflies in my stomach reading it. Great Snippet!

    By the way, I started "Starlander's Myth" this week and I'm loving it!

  3. Aww, I hope she joins in and that he chooses her.

  4. I love the tension you easily build in this snippet! All kinds of twists and turns can result from this.

  5. Heck yes, I want to see the fertility festival!!! :-)

  6. The mother of a 16 year old definitely needs a fertility festival fling!

  7. If you haven't been to a party in a few years, why not start with a fertility festival! Hmm, this conjures up all sorts of interesting images... Good stuff!

  8. Cary-- there are some hot scenes in refuges, though I wouldn't classify it as erotic romance. Sensual, though.

    Nicole--I hope you enjoy Starlander's Myth. Have started a second book in the trilogy.

    Misa--you area romantic! :)

    Patrick-- Unexpectecd happening at this Moonfest!

    T.M. Hunter-- The Moonfest is certainly key to the entire story.

    Cassandra-- I have three teen daughters and could SO relate to Svana!

  9. I like it. Fertility festival. :-)

  10. As a pagan I wholeheartedly approve of fertility festivals. Especially sexy-sounding alien ones. ;)

  11. Fertility festivals sound like a blast! I hope she gets to celebrate with Liam.

    (Love that name, btw. Gave it to my son!)


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...