Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Getting ready to submit Galactic Game

Galactic Game is a story I've had around for years. It started as 10k short, now it is a 35k novella. While it is set in the same greater universe--The Diaspora Worlds-- as Refugees on Urloon, it is set on a wilderness planet. My H/h are prisoners who have been selected to participate in a survival game that is broadcast throughout the Confederation.

My hero Kellac is a weapon's instructor from a distant world, thrown into military prison when the son of an important official dies in a training session. His family is wealthy and working to get him released. He is a Puregen, a lab created human, and so will have the backing of the Puregen viewers, who require all their citizens to be Puregen.

Gema is not Puregen but has been stranded since childhood on a Puregen planet. Unable to be a citizen, she lived a precarious life and finally ended up in the Women's Penitentiary. She knows she's the underdog but hopes to win her freedom and enough credits to get to a world without a Puregen Constitution.

Here are some pictures from my file:

Kellac's and Gema's physical characteristics are similar to these celebrities.
 The wilderness planet.

Uh oh, trouble.


  1. I agree with Kaye. You've got the hook. Hopefully a contract will follow soon.


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...