Saturday, January 7, 2012

SSFS Sci Fi Fantasy Saturday Snippet

I've been planning to do this for awhile and finally got it done. Go me!

My Snippet this week is from my upcoming SFR release, Refugees On Urloon, coming April 9 from Lyrical.

Captain Liam Ringel looked up. He wore his helmet with the visor up and a bloody gash showed above one eye. “Come and assist.”
“I don’t have B Level clearance, Sir. Svana Morgas, Support Staff Supply Officer.”
Svana wasn’t military, though she’d taken training and the Oath before coming aboard the Toulouse. Support crew filled in the gaps so the actual military could do the high-tech jobs they were trained for.
“You have clearance now. All crew reports to bridge. There is a breach on Q Deck as well as the one on L Deck.”
You can read other Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag #sffsat. 


  1. All those breaches don't sound good. :-/
    congrats on the upcoming release.

  2. Ooh, pretty cover! Great snippet as well - yeah, military differences don't matter when the ship's at risk.

    *adds to her TBR pile*

  3. It sounds like things are about to get a little crazy (never a good sign when the lowly support crew are called into action).

  4. Definitely going to be getting into a lot of action coming up, sounds like...good snippet!

  5. Nothing like a field promotion to drive home the pucker factor!

  6. Nice snippet. I really like this. Way to go! You are doing SSFS! Good idea.

  7. Now, I'm wondering what caused the breaches. Are they still in danger? Inquiring minds want to know!

  8. Welcome to SFFSat! This sounds really good! Congrats on the TBR list is going to get even longer...

  9. Am wondering how he got that gash. Can't wait for next week's snippet! Welcome to SFFSat!

  10. Military SFR--Nice! I'm already loving a guy who's cool and collected even with a gash above his eye. ;)

  11. Breaches? On a spaceship? Sounds serious.

  12. The Oath has me curious....

    Congratulations on the upcoming release!

  13. Thanks for all the comments. I'll post more snippets from Refugees on Urloon in the future. SSFS is fun, read lots of interesting snippets.

    Kaye, you should join in! *bossy voice*


Excerpt: Bunned

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