Tuesday, April 25, 2023

An excerpt from Pardblood!

 Pardblood is the scifantasy romance I've been sharing on my newsletter. It is almost ready for publication!


“May I see Jax’s inheritance documents?” Prenna asked.

“Certainly. I will copy them to a secure tablet and bring it tomorrow. I doubt your personal tablet has the type of security required. But here, let’s sit on the sofa and I will show you the highlights.”

She sat next to Dahr and he increased his screen size.

“Jax has inherited the Starlighter line in addition to the Starfire inheritance from his father. Since our relations with Parda are so precarious right now, it will take a while to find out about the inheritances. I do believe he may own significant holdings on Parda. There may be old family documents on Parda you might enjoy reading, Madam.”

He tapped on the screen. “Your sister tracked her Pardblood when she married Starfire, but no information is now available. Just the record that she did an inheritance test and history.”

He brought up a chart, an inheritance document. “This is the best we could find, and it is incomplete. But it is possible Jax Starfire is heir to the T-h-r-o-n-e of Parda,” he spelled with a glance at the boys, whowere too engrossed in the animal story  to pay any attention to the adults.

“I realized this at the bank when the account manager handed me documents of ancient holdings on Parda. You could be a duchess, also, according to what we know of the Starlighters.”

“My grandmother was a schoolteacher and her mother was a maid.”

“A maid who eloped with a high ranking Parda diplomat. A Starlighter.”

He looked at the giggling Maxen and Jax. “There may come a day when your Parda inheritance could be important. For instance, we know that the Starfire clan is of high importance in their world. So was Starlighter. Lumina chose a path of isolation in recent years, but I think those politics are waning. Our worlds were stronger when we were united.”

She frowned in thought. “Do you plan to travel there? To Parda?”

“I plan to investigate such a journey. It is not something to rush into.”

The boys were suddenly paying attention to the adults, not the vid.

Maxen grinned. “I want to, Mom. We could go on a spaceship!” Jax nodded his head vigorously.

Dahr smiled at the boys. “I will see what we can do. I have to promise your mother any journey would be safe.”

The boys nodded, eyes shining. “Wow, and we get to live in a castle too!” Maxen said, eyes huge.

“Indeed.” Lord Vhirandal grinned. “With hunds and dragos.”


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