Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter!



~For all who celebrate~



I'm sorry I'm not handing out chocolate bunnies! Only digital gifts. 

We are not having spring-like weather here in central Wyoming. Wintry, freezing cold, and a bit of snow! But I was raised in Montana so I am used to it. My mother made us spring dresses for church, which we wore with white gloves and white shoes. But we usually had to wear our winter coats over them! 

We always had holiday meals with Mom's pink brocade table linens and crystal. So pretty! I have searched for a pink tablecloth like that but have never found one.

We had mice this spring! My tiny Shitzu/Chihuahua mix, Nutmeg, went nuts! The barking, the yelping! For such a tiny dog she has sturdy vocal chords-- she is louder than our laid-back papipoo, even though he is three times her size. Glad that's over, not sure I have hearing left! 

In late May I will have my right knee replaced. It is time. I had the left knee replaced in 2010. Amazing that it is now done as an outpatient procedure. I will be in the hospital, though, due to respiratory history. Probably just one night, not days! I'll have the warm weather to build up my strength by walking the dogs.

Book News

I went back into Kindle Unlimited for the spring and summer! I do enjoy the five free days! I have two short freebies to celebrate! One is a sexy paranormal and the other is a magical romance set in a fantasy world.






 I am in edits for Cyborg Salvage which is the romance of Dooley and 2LN77, both characters in Alien Blood!

Her Alien Mad Scientist
is coming along, but Cyborg Salvage was so close to The End.

In May I will be putting books into print. I have some old print still out there, but it is time for an update. 

In August (unless CV-19 goes way up) I will be joining the wonderful, talented, and generous Carol Van Natta at the Fort Collins Comic Con! It has been two years, so I am so excited to go!


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