Monday, December 28, 2020

My Take on the Diversity Casting of the Bridgerton Series


This came up in a FB thread about the Bridgerton series on Netflix. Some are upset that the diverse cast is not historically accurate. The books by Julia Quinn were written several years ago, and race is not apart of the books. It was changed for the series.

My Response

I, for one, enjoyed seeing POC in the series. It may not be historically accurate, but I am not a historian or historical romance writer invested in accuracy. I watched the show for the romance and the story, not history. I think a diverse cast speaks to the larger issues of importance in our day and time, and that issues of inclusion are more important than exact accuracy. We all know the history of race during that time. We all know why the cast was diversified. I write romance set in the far future, where skin color and continent of origin don't matter. Our Earth is all but forgotten. I still try to fight for diversity as a theme, though, but my characters may be separated by DNA/Clone procedures, wealth, or space humanoid races....

In my SFR

Puregens: lab-created, superior humans of wealthy planets and families.

Zh' Cle: Humans with lizard characteristics encountered by Terrans in space. Many are confined to Reservation Worlds. There are DNA laws to prevent them living on some worlds.

Cyborgs: In both Diaspora Worlds and Cyborg Nation, my cyborgs are created by the military to be slave soldiers. In Diaspora Worlds, cyborgs are made of newly dead and wounded, or captured people.

I now have a new series started about cyborgs, Cyborg Nation. These cyborgs are lab-created slave soldiers. There will be an alien humanoid encounter later on in the series.
Christmas release: A Cyborg's Old Terran Christmas is available now.

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