Monday, April 28, 2014

X= xtra bad! Behind the Story #AtoZChallenge

I forgot to write my last few blogs! Hmmm.  So I am slurping down a caffeinated beverage and getting my writing done!

Here's an extra  little known fact.
I once taught a one room school! I had at the most 7 kids, and most were related, well behaved and came from ranch families. It was a very fun job except it was about  miles from anywhere. Here's a pic
The countryside

The gas station, store, post office, hardware store,veterinary supply --and the landing strip was in back. Please buzz the field to scatter the sheep before landing.

Sometimes in the winter it was -40  but with wind chill it felt like -60. But I did get to see the Northern Lights.

This would be a good place for aliens to land.

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