Friday, November 23, 2012


Excerpt from Cirque Du Cyborg, Diaspora Worlds Book Five:

       No cyborg movement, no transports. Even the fire coming from above had stopped by the time she reached high ground. She zoomed her vision and studied the  jagged rocky  terrain for any sign of life but all she saw were the scattered remains of the cyborg strike force. The battle was over, and she was left here, alone.
     2LN was exhausted. It took a while to find a surface smooth enough to rest on and she fell onto the smooth rock, limp and aching everywhere. It seemed as good a place as any to die. 
     Or I can pull powerpacks from fallen cyborgs. Is there any point in doing that? Fate was cruel to waken her to awareness  just in time to die.
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  1. Awew, poor 2LN! Surely there's some hope?!

  2. That would royally suck, to power-up just to die...hope 2LN finds a solution.

  3. There's no denying the survival instinct. My money is on 2LN

  4. Exhausted and aching, alone and expecting only to die - I like the feeling of pathos and despair you create. But I agree with JC - if a cyborg can feel lonely and tired, she can also have an instinct to survive (assuming she hasn't got something akin to the third law of robotics to compel her to such survival).

  5. I like how 2LN goes back and forth with it. Good place to die...cyborg power packs...what's the use. I wonder what will sway her either way.

  6. I suspect 2LN's will to survive will kick in big time. Great snippet with interesting emotions running through it.

  7. Something tells me that another survivor is going to come along and help her. But, that's just me.

  8. Depends on the extent to which her brain and survival instincts were modified by the cyborg process, I imagine. As a cyborg myself (insulin pump and artificial knee) I sympathize with her.
    btw Jarn's here, at the usual place. Thought I signed up, but I guess something went wrong.

  9. Whoa, emotional wringer there. That's a lot going on for a handful of sentences and you did it artfully. It's riveting and scary. Definitely made me want to know more.

  10. Zinger of a last line. I do hope 2LN survives. Nice snippet!


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