Friday, March 2, 2012

SFFS Snippet #2 from Starlander's Myth

Here is a second snippet from my steampunk spacewestern romance, Starlander's Myth.

 “Now, this is an exceptionally secret procedure, Mr. Galto. Assure me again that we are in a secluded area. I don’t want to have to shoot some miner who stumbles on our little exhibition.”
“Nothing to worry about, Mr. Snurr. The claim over that ridge is Jack Starlander's but he's got a nice vein of cryst on the far side of his land that'll keep him busy for some time. We are unobserved.”
Jack didn’t appreciate Galto knowing so much about his operation but he was a mite pleased Galto was wrong about his whereabouts.
“Starlander? One of the infamous Starlanders?

You can read other Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag #sffsat. 


  1. Like the sound of 'infamous'. :)

  2. His reputation precedes him, heh.

  3. "He's more than famous. He's infamous!" ~Three Amigos

    I love this and can't wait to see where you're going with it.

  4. Interesting... Curious to learn more now.

  5. Infamous Starlanders?! Maybe it's because they join groups without being invited. ;) Looking forward to more!

  6. I loved the name Mr. Snurr!I wonder what the Starlander family did that made them so "infamous." I can't wait to read more! Thanks for sharing such an interesting snippet!

  7. Very nice! Love the space-western feel.

  8. Loving the names!

    Also, would love to know just why the Starlanders are 'infamous' :-D

  9. :-) Love when characters are talking about themselves as someone else. Always learn something interesting when people don't realize who they're talking to.

  10. Good little snippet...and I'm curious to see how a steampunk space western turns out...should be interesting.

  11. This is a good snippet! It makes everyone curious about those infamous Starlanders!


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...