Saturday, February 11, 2012

SFFS Snippet from Galactic Game, Melisse Aires

This is an excerpt from a story I'm getting ready to sub, Galactic Game. My H/h are contestants in a survivor game on a wilderness planet.

“My name is Kellac. I think we should talk about our strategy while we are free of the cameras.
They had one day without the swarm of cameras.
“I’m Gema.
She reached under her shirt and found the sticky edge of her false stomach. Gema pulled it off with a grimace at the sting.
Kellac stared at her, mouth open. He almost didn’t look great.
“What is that?”
“Oh, I was given a little gift.” 

You can read other Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag #sffsat. 


  1. Not sure I quite follow this snippet (well, yes I do, but it doesn't make sense yet) - but very very intriguing. Do give us the follow up next week.

  2. The 'swarm of cameras' line reminds of Big Brother. Great snippet!

  3. False stomach! That is soooo COOOOL!! Great snippet - I look forward to more.

  4. Ah ha! Nothing as intriguing as what a false stomach might be hiding! Nice. :)

  5. Interesting! False stomach, cameras... I'm curious to find out more!

  6. What I would do with an extra stomach...

    Nice snippet.

  7. Fun times, having a false stomach...definitely want to know what was in there...

  8. False stomach? That's not something most of us want to enhance!

  9. Ooh! A mystery gift! Can't wait to see what it is.

  10. A good case of "what the HECK is going on?!" here - guaranteed to bring us all back next week and find out, LOL

  11. I like the idea of this false stomach she has. Where can I get one? And, what is this gift she has? Please continue with this next week.

  12. Ewww, a false stomach?! No wonder Kellac doesn't look great. :-O


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...