Saturday, February 4, 2012

SFFS Snippet from Galactic Game, Melisse Aires

Here is a snippet from Galactic Game, which I'm getting ready to submit soon.

Gema nearly groaned aloud when she saw her partner for The Survivor Game. He was a Puregen exotic, the rarest of the rare. Tall, bronzed, beautifully proportioned and muscled, he had silky black hair waving past his ears, high cheekbones, black lashes and eyebrows showcasing his rare, DNA modified lilac eyes.
Regular humans didn’t have eyes that color.
Even among the Puregen population he was rare. An exotic creation usually came from a very wealthy family who could afford the highest quality lab. He was probably super intelligent with teeth that would never turn dingy or decay and owned an immune system that would keep him healthy and strong for the next hundred years or so.
So how did he get here, a contestant from a prison?
                 The audience was going to love him—which put her survival as the ugly, non-Puregen player even more at risk. Lucky for her she had friends in low places. 

You can read other Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag #sffsat. 


  1. You can't go wrong with friends in low places!

    Great little snippet...and hoping her teammate bites the bullet first with the description you gave of him...the whole "was probably super intelligent with teeth that would never turn dingy or decay and owned an immune system that would keep him healthy and strong for the next hundred years or so" thing...

  2. Intriguing snippet. Love the description of her opponent. Great last line, too! :D

  3. I loved the description of the male. He was sexy. A little too good looking for me, though. I am hoping he is going to be a main love interest. I want to see some more scenes of him.

    Awesome steamy snippet.

  4. There is so much happening in this snippet. Sets up interest in what's ahead. Great description of the guy. (and you know dingy teeth are not ok with her.) He sounds intriguing. I'm already into him.

  5. Let's hope those friends in low places come through for her!

    How can you go wrong with a teammate with all those good qualities, especially those lilac eyes? Maybe he'll surprise her.

  6. Putting the protagonist as the underdog right away--nice!

    It immediately had me on her side.

    Good set up!

  7. You leave me humming Garth Brooks after this. I love that line about friends in low places. You really packed a LOT into that snippet. Awesome! What next?

  8. Opponent or partner? Makes quite a difference in how we read this.

  9. Friends are always good to have around, no matter what. Wonder what she's hoping they'll do for her. Great descriptions of her partner :-)

  10. Thanks for all the comments. At this point my heroine Gema is not sure if her companion will be friend or foe. Also the audience can weigh in on how the game is played--and since the audience is Puregen(lab created), Gema is at a disadvantage!

  11. Love all the world-building we're given a glimpse of in that snippet. Genetic modifications and prisoners competing in a survival game.


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