Saturday, January 14, 2012

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday!

*Blog is a work in progress--the template I like didn't work, grrr.*

This week I have another snippet from Refugees On Urloon

“Isn’t that a First World Planet? I remember learning something about Urloon in first school,” another crew member said.
A com tech’s finger glided over the com board. “Yes. Urloon. Settled by first wave Terran settlers but was left isolated for centuries while Terra fought the Terran Civil War. Water… Wow! Water-adapted humans live in domes in the warm seas. They have developed their procedure down to the  DNA level so that their young are born  ready to live in the sea.”

You can read other Snippets by checking Link or following the twitter hashtag #sffsat. 


  1. Good snippet, though might want to watch the repetitive words and other editing (unless this is still draft material, in which case, carry on).

  2. Love the blog layout, Melisse. And the book cover.

  3. Very interesting...water-people. Love the idea. Great stuff.

  4. Love the concept of genetically-adapted humans. My main concern is the same as Aston's.

  5. Ooh...water-adapted humans! Nice hook. I can imagine lots of wonderful world-building for this book.

  6. Looking forward to seeing this place.

  7. Well, they say humans come from the sea, why shouldn't they evolve to go back to it?

    Good snippet. I like your concept.

  8. Watch the spelling! Bear young, not bare. But the idea is good.

  9. Ooh, mermaids! Fascinating concept (also, I would love to live in the sea!)

  10. Thanks for reading and commenting, everyone. Sorry about the typos, I copied from an older version, sheesh.

  11. Intriguing concept about water humans. Looking forward to hearing more about them.

  12. Love the history coming out in this snippet, and looking forward to reading the whole thing when it comes out. :)


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...