Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Plans for the New Year

Artichoke dip, crab legs--Oh, wait, wrong New Year's List!

 I'll admit the knee surgery wrecked up some of my writing plans, since I couldn't always get comfortable to concentrate on writing. But I do have plans for the New Year. Since I work full time and have family/kids getting into college etc, I'm not keeping a strict schedule, find that too stressful. But here are some of my plans:

Submit Galactic Game(currently working on synopsis and final clean up). This is related to my currently unpublished Cybot Awakened, which I hope will one day see publication again. Hope to submit early in January.

Work on Starlander 2, which is often in my thoughts and that bodes well for a fast draft. 

Work on Wilder Woman of Urloon, which has a rough synopsis and characters I like a lot. Plus, will love revisiting Urloon, which is my favorite world built setting ever.

Rewrite Tiger Juice and Demonade, perhaps into Wiccan Haus, the new paranormal series at Musa Publishing.

Decide whether to resub Her Accidental Angel or self publish??

Work on synopsis of New Project, the Bioship: New Populous

1 comment:

  1. Wow, and this is some list! I think you have some great ideas here.


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...