Saturday, October 1, 2011

To Celebrate Halloween we are having a Huge Blog Tour! Click the link to find the many authors and prizes involved!

On Oct. 31st~Halloween three October commentors on my blog will receive one of my paranormal ebook, free!

     *Del Fantasma: Tiger Juice, Del Fantasma: Demonade or Her Accidental Angel.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having such a marvelous time hopping from blog to blog. I've never done this before. The authors are fantastic and the chance at winning books if great.
    Thank you for participating in the Trick or Treat blog hop.
    Happy Halloween


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...