Friday, May 20, 2011

Reading today

I had knee shots (yowch!) so am a little more tender than usual and also have a HUGE awful cold so stayed home from work today. Did some napping, some indoor ball playing (raining again in the desert), looked at my WIP, and read.

When it comes to category romances I often pick by setting. The Mountain West and swamps (even though I've never been to a swamp) are my fav. I also buy books with twins because I have the twins.  My sister buys books set in Wyoming or Montana!

Latest ebook reads pictured here. Also have a hankering to reread some Susan Grant...

1 comment:

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News! KU and New Books

 I haven't been active with publishing for some time. Promo, either! I am a caregiver in my daily life, and things have changed and will...