Saturday, May 6, 2017

WeWriWa Orc in Winter #2

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Excerpt from soon to be released short fantasy romance, Orc in Winter.

Morwenna was the only woman in the company.
Sherrow was furious.
“Dudley, you will sleep in the cart with her. You will stay with her at all times when we are stopped, and my cart always follows hers, understand? If the others try to order you around, ignore them. And carry a knife, both of you. A change of plans with an assassin on the loose calls for extra caution.”
Morwenna caught his eyes, and he nodded at her. “Make sure I have my sword here in the cart. I think it is with the household goods. In fact, get all the weapons I own in this cart."


I had a bunch of books age out of Kindle Unlimited so have been busy taking care of those. Ord is next!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds pretty ominous to me. But with all those weapons, I'm sure they know how to fight.


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 I haven't been active with publishing for some time. Promo, either! I am a caregiver in my daily life, and things have changed and will...