Sunday, March 26, 2017

Orc in Winter, coming soon!

I have a short fantasy romance out in April!

I have been playing with fantasy romance for some time. This short story is set in a series I call Frostmere Fantasies, a group of stories set in the countries that border a sea called Frostmere. It will be published in all bookstores

This is a Yuletide tale that was originally in the Romance DIvas' Romance Is... Winter Romance Anthology. The story I am publishing Orc In Winter as a .99 short in all the bookstores. It is a smidge longer and a smidge hotter than the story in the Antho.

Another short, Bridal Faire, should be ready this summer.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to read your book and I would like to buy it as soon as it comes into the store. I would highly recommend it to every visitor on your blog. Thanks for informing!


News! KU and New Books

 I haven't been active with publishing for some time. Promo, either! I am a caregiver in my daily life, and things have changed and will...