Saturday, May 25, 2013

Weekend Warrior Writing, High Haven

 This is my first *Weekend Writing Warriors*  entry! My snippet comes from a high fantasy romance, High Haven  (none of the characters are all human!). Follow the link to other great snippets!

There was still a bit of dim light left by the setting sun. Two males stepped out of the shadow of the woods.

    They were fauns of a type Bluette didn’t even know existed. Instead of curved horns and rough goat legs they had branched antlers, like a deer, and long smooth brown legs, their shoulders broad under leather tunics. Both had beautifully formed faces with high cheek bones and square jaws, discernible even from the distance.

    “Ho, Mallow,” one called across the meadow, while the other greeted Mallow's fierce sow with strokes and ear scratches.

    “Ash and Linden! What brings you here?”


  1. That's a very nice description of the new faun type.
    I like non-human characters. :)

  2. It is nice to encounter a new magical creature. You described them so clearly I could picture them easily. You have me intrigued. This was an interesting 8.

  3. I like your description of these creatures. I agree, it's nice to read about different fantasy creatures.

  4. Love the idea of a sexy faun. I'm in!

  5. What an intriguing idea for a novel. I like it.

  6. Welcome to the #8Sunday! I loved the description of these fauns - excellent excerpt! Can't wait to read more...

  7. Wonderful description and great imagination. I like the creatures :-) Good 8! Welcome to weekend writing warriors. :-)

  8. Great description there.

  9. Nice creatures. Are they fauns or something similar. Welcome to WeWriWa, Melisse.

  10. Thanks for all the comments. This story (one of a series) has been sitting on my hard drive but comes to mind now and then. I always wondered if it was too far out there. I love the world and the characters. Like Narnia for grown ups.

  11. "Like Narnia for grownups." Perfect! I don't think it's too far out there. :-)

  12. I thought it was a great post. A creative idea. I don't think there is anything too far out there anymore. :)
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