Friday, February 1, 2013

SFR Brigade Presents: Feb 1

My excerpt this week is from Starwoman's Sanctuary, Diaspora Worlds  Series Book Three.  This book will release the end of February!

Kyler climbed onto a high bunk and settled down to sleep in a room full of old men. He hadn't shared a room—except with a female companion—since his earliest days in the military. He felt oddly festive, relaxed, as if he was on leave. He rarely took time off, his position was too vital. New Prague, being somewhat isolated from other Terran Alliance Worlds, required his constant vigilance.
    Except now he was on an unexpected vacation. His only responsibility was to get himself off Katherine Hub and back to New Prague. The easiest assignment he’d had in years.

Maybe he’d take the boys shopping for armcoms tomorrow.  Maybe Skyleen would have a little time to converse. He drifted to sleep anticipating the morning.

A sharp jolt of electricity woke him. His armcom flashed—a Priority message from New Prague Protectorate Guard!

    “Intel indicates Gorvas armada headed for Katherine Hub. Imperative you leave immediately. Conventional sensors will show the armada in sixteen hours. Get out before the crowd or you may not.”

You can read more sci-fi romance entries *~HERE~*


  1. Nice excerpt. Does he make it out alive? I guess we'll have to read to find out.

  2. So much for best laid plans, I guess! An interesting set up, makes me wonder who the people were he was going to spend time with...excellent excerpt!

  3. Very interesting. Your work just gets better and better.

  4. Aw man, I feel bad for him that his unexpected vacation was interrupted with such bad news! Good stuff!

  5. Congratulations! I added your title to my 2013 SFR New Release Roundup and will spotlight it in my March monthly roundup.


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 I haven't been active with publishing for some time. Promo, either! I am a caregiver in my daily life, and things have changed and will...