Saturday, October 15, 2011

Aspen Mountain Press: I Haz A Sad

Once again, I have a publisher who has imploded. Aspen Mountain Press, with my Del Fantasma titles: Tiger Juice and Demonade, and Her Accidental Angel has breached all contracts and hope of recovery is nil. The best hope would be for the company to be purchased by another e-publisher, but the owner is not considering viable offers. So my certified letter for reversal of rights is going out this week.

I so enjoyed AMP when I first contracted with them, but much has happened since then. I'm sure you will see the sad story smeared all over the net. I just don't have the heart to write out the whole thing.

Because the Del Fantasmas are a publisher generated series, I would have to do extensive rewriting to either self publish or republish and I have my writing plate full with my
Urloon and Starlander series. I am currently doing content edits on Refugees on Urloon, and the cover art is in the works for Starlanders Frontier: Starlander's Myth
I doubt I will ever get another dime from the publisher, and am missing 90% of statements so have no idea what is owed me. So many AMP authors require an accounting of sales,  going back two years, I doubt the publisher will ever get this straightened out. I am still having a 3 copy give away on Oct 31st of my AMP titles.

So on to the next. I'll post the gorgeous cover of my Nov 1 steampunk release, 
  Starlanders Frontier Series:
Starlander's Myth 
this week.


  1. Oh man, I'm sorry Melisse. I didn't even know this issue was happening. What a major FUBAR.

  2. I'm so sorry, Mel. Yup, I know another author there who lost seven books with no royalities.Too bad so many epubs are just not that good. Means we all need to be on top if it before we submit, don't you think? Yet I know sometimes it hard to tell. Oh well-- can't wait for you new cover!

  3. This pub was great the first year I was contracted--monthly statements and checks, good sales. then it went into a tail spin but the senior staff took over and things started to improve so i was encouraged. But the owner wouldn't work with the staff, they quit. Owner has checked out. I have two upcoming releases with (knock on wood) solid epubs.

  4. I hope everything works out with AMP.
    It's sad when an epub fold. There have been a few in the last couple years. It must be difficult as an author to decide who you will submit your work to. There are a lot of publishing houses out there, some of which I found from the Trick or Treat blog hop. All the best to you, Melisse.


Excerpt: Bunned

  I am in edits on this Romantasy involving a bunny hybrid, Annette, and Sammy, a rock star who can't tour due to all the commotion abou...