Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nano and Writing Chaos

I am making progress, though not as much as I would like. November seems to be an icky germ month for me--last year I had swine flu(and asthma and bronchitis). This year I have had two colds and asthma(no bronchitis, yeah!). But it does make me more tired than normal so some days after work I'm good for reading a book, not writing one! Feel like I have been dragging through this month.

I am still working on the fantasy dragon shifter romance, Shard, and am also doing the first chapter of a Harlequin American Romance to enter in a contest by Dec 15. And I have an old Christmas Story The Vampires' Christmas Foundling which I might post on Kindle. 

Plenty of writing going on, just not classic NaNo. But I knew that would happen--my muse rebels at structure! I must have writing chaos to create new stories.

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