Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Summer of Shorts and Crazy

Neon Orchid, Bk 4, is coming along. Earlier this spring I ripped out the middle because it was too easy...and not showing the characters romantic growth. So I back tracked and redid. We are on the downhill slope now, where things speed up for my couple and for me. I enjoy this phase.

I have a short story, Bridal Faire, coming out this summer in the FREE Romance Diva Antho. It is a high fantasy, and I'm expanding it into a larger book(a series is planned). This is set in a land north of the place where Faunication (short story) is set. I have played with this world for years and keep finding more things to love about it.

I also have a flash fiction short (which you can read on Wattpad) that will be included in an antho of flash fiction. It is part of a Diaspora Worlds spin off idea still in development. In Starwoman's Sanctuary, a Gorvas stronghold is found, Arden. This spin off would be stories of or related to Arden. but that is in the future as far as writing time lines.

 I haven't been very productive this past year due mostly to all the transitions in my family. Things are calming down or maybe I am getting more flexible. Hmmm. One thing about having 3 kids in 22 months(I have a set of twins), only a year apart in school grade, every transition has more impact. This transition is the We All Leave Home transition!

I'll be submitting another short story, Becoming Prisma, to an online magazine. If they don't take it I might put it out somewhere..Hmmm. It is a short told by one of the characters in Cirque Du Cyborg, a Diaspora Worlds book following Dooley from Alien Blood and the cyborg woman 2LN. This story has a cast of cyborg characters rescued by Dooley. Prisma is one of the more damaged ones, both by her recent duties and by the cyborg process.

As far as reading, I have been OBSESSED with After Battle Harry Potter Fanfic, and Next Generation HP fanfic. Some stories are meh, some are DNF, but occasionally there is a real jewel, an amazing story. The good one are always due to character.

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