Monday, July 22, 2019

Snippet #3 from Starship, Space Sisters series

This scifi romance will be on preorder the end of August.

“What exactly is your job, Gia?” Esme asked. “Your learning sessions are a lot longer than ours."

Gia frowned. “Main Bridge...Main Console.”

“You’re the Captain!” Esme said.

Gia stared at her in shock. “I can’t be the Captain of a starship. I’m a twenty-two-year-old dancer.”

“But… weren’t you really good at math in school?” Esme asked.

“Well, sure. Both my parents are good at math. And all my brothers. But I couldn’t pursue it because higher math is taught in the military, not to girls. Though if I had gotten to my parents in hiding I probably would have kept studying.”

“Now you can study all you want. I don’t think this ship has traditional women’s roles,” Martina said.

“Thank heavens,” said Pandora. “I love a good party but don’t want to spend my life planning them.”

“Well, I don’t know if I want to be the Captain,” Gia said. “Why can’t we make all the decisions as a group, like we’ve been doing?”

“Like a council, or a board?” Audra asked.

“Yes. Ship’s council.”

Gia spoke. “I’m learning a detailed overview of the ship’s systems. Lots of systems won’t be addressed unless we have more people. Maintenance, medical, hull integrity, green spaces, water, power utility.” Her voice trailed off. “One of my longest modules is engineering. Main is a huge responsibility. I’m not sure I’m up for it.”

“You don’t have to do anything alone. We have worked as a team so far, why not continue?”

“Plus we already know you don’t freeze up in a tense situation,” Pandora said. “That’s huge.”

Gia thought about it.

“I’m willing to be captain as head of a team. Not as some type of dictator. More like a Chairwoman of a board or council. One of the modules is the Starship’s code of conduct. I think we should all become familiar with it.”

 “It would only be temporary,” Pandora said. “Once our fathers and brothers get on board we’ll be embroidering in the garden again. If we let them on board.”

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